Friday, February 24, 2012


This past Sunday Dan and I took Gabby to the Science Center. It was a trip set up by the Cleveland Photographic Society. We could bring our cameras, tripods and other gear, as well as our family. I wanted to go, so I convinced Dan to come along and then we decided to bring Gabby. I absolutely loved science centers growing up. I love seeing how things work in a way that makes sense - the exhibits at science centers are so practical and based in real life. Science was always my favorite subject. The Science Olympiad team was my favorite club in middle school and high school, even though my mom was one of the coaches. Needless to say, I was really jazzed.

Gabby - not so much.

She seemed moderately interested, but fluttered from thing to thing, not really caring about how things worked. That's ok... she's still young. I still have time to mold her! :)

Here are some pictures...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday was on Tuesday. I always feel bad for Dan - birthday and Valentine's Day on the same day. Some people might think it is a blessing - 2 days in 1 = 1 gift, right? But birthdays are a big deal with Dan's family so he separates my birthday from Valentine's Day. It also make it hard for me to do anything nice for Dan because he usually needs the whole day.

I started the day with making Dan breakfast - cinnamon rolls and bacon. Thanks Pinterest for the heart idea.

Then, we opened Valentine's Day presents...

Running socks and a necklace... my first necklace ever from him!

After breakfast, we got ready and went to surprise Gabby at school. We got to see her classroom and give her a little V-day treat.

For lunch, I convinced Dan to take me to the Clifton Diner - on of my favorite places ever to eat. Mmmmmm... love that artichoke dill bake!

We went home and I got to open my birthday presents:

Dinner was my favorite dinner - filet and twice baked potatoes! Yum!

And instead of cake... Coldstone! I got my usual which was very fitting - cake batter ice cream with sprinkles.

 I also got a little birthday treat to myself

I finished reading the third one this morning.

On top of all of this, as if it wasn't enough, I was able to accept a new job!

All in all, I'd say it was a great day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Puppy Love

I know everyone already knows this, but I absolutely love my dog, Bailey. I just couldn't keep blogging without devoting a blog post to her.

We have had Bailey for almost 4 years now. I still remember the day we went to get her. I wanted a dog so bad - Dan... not so much. I had begged and begged and promised everything under the sun in order to get a dog. Dan wasn't really interested. He had all kinds of reasons - they tear up the house, we didn't have time... the list went on and on. But I was persistent and of course he finally gave in!

We did a ton of research. We wanted a dog that would be good with kids, was a larger breed, didn't shed, and wasn't territorial.After a lot of deliberation, we landed on Labs. We looked online and saw a couple ads in newspapers. We even went to look at a couple litters, but nothing really stuck. I was beginning to worry that we weren't really going to get a dog.

Then Dan found an ad in the newspaper from a breeder and we made an appointment to go see it. For me, it was love at first sight. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was ours. Dan wasn't quite convinced. Bailey was 5 months old at the time. She had been bought by a family who had a baby at home. When they took her home, they realized the baby was allergic to dogs, so they had to bring her back. Now, because she was a little older, they were having a hard time finding her a home.

After a little convincing and finding out that she was already house trained, we agreed that she was the one we wanted. She was already named Bailey and we didn't want to confuse her, so we kept the name.

The night we took her home, we didn't have anything for her - no crate or dish or food. I guess we really weren't expecting to get a dog. On the way home, she peed in the back of my car. I thought Dan was going to turn around and take her back. Maybe he would have if it had been his car! :)

There have been some struggles - like when she peed on our bed twice or when she would get out and we would spend hours wandering the neighborhood trying to find her, but mostly it is good. I love her so so much. I talk to her like she's a person and I swear she understands every word I say. She is great with the kids in our family and everyday she makes me smile. Sometimes Dan says that I love Bailey more than him... it's a tough call sometimes :)