Monday, August 27, 2012

Mount Union... Sill feels like home!

I was in Alliance on Saturday to have lunch with Kim. So much has changed! It is amazing at how different things are there. There are new places to eat - Panera, Chipotle, a brand new Dairy Queen in a different location. There are new places to shop - Maurice's and Kohls. Some places have closed. Some have been torn down. I'm not gonna lie - I was a little jealous!

I wasn't going to, but I decided to head over to Mount Union. I thought I might swing by the book store and maybe pick up a new sweatshirt. Of course, the bookstore was closed as usual. Seriously, no matter when I go there, no matter what day or time, that bookstore is always closed.

I didn't want to waste the trip to campus, so I decided to drive around a little bit. It is amazing to me how unrecognizable parts of it are. Obviously there was the little name change. I will never say UMU or University of Mount Union. It will either be There is campus housing now where Sigma Nu and Phi Tau were. The athletic complex has pretty much swallowed a whole block.HPCC is different. T&H is different. Everywhere I looked - things were different. It made me kind of sad. I always thought Mount Union would feel like home for me, no matter how many years passed. But now, just 6 years later, it already felt like a foreign place.

I decided to start looking for things that looked familiar to me instead. Once I started looking at it that way, everything looked a lot different... a lot more like the place where I had made so many great memories and had grown to love.

I walked by the rock - covered in layer after layer of spray paint. I went through the Campus Center and picked up a Dynamo.

I swung by Dewald Chapel - a place where I probably could have stood to spend a little more time.

I walked around the lakes and Elliott - my dorm for Freshman and Sophomore year. I always thought it was so cool that we got to live in a place that reminded me of The White House and we got to walk out and see the lakes every morning.

I walked over the kissing bridge - which never worked for me, but I hear it worked its magic for others.

I was happy to see that 205 Simpson, the house where I lived Junior year and became friends with Christine, Courtney and Rachel, was no longer Campus Security. Seriously, way too much fun occurred in the house - it was just wrong to see it turned into something so "official".

Chapman Hall - This building was one of the man reasons why I went to Mount Union. I remember walking up to it on my senior visit and thinking how beautiful it was. I could really see myself going to class there. 

And of course, I had to stop by the ADPi house. I love that little blue house.  I met so many wonderful ladies because of this house and made so many great friends.

I loved my time at Mount Union. I guess they have to keep making updates so that students keep coming and paying tuition. As sad as it is to see so many things change, it would be heartbreaking to see my Alma Mater be anything less than the amazing institution that I knew it to be. It's just nice to see that not everything has changed.

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