Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

My birthday was on Tuesday. I always feel bad for Dan - birthday and Valentine's Day on the same day. Some people might think it is a blessing - 2 days in 1 = 1 gift, right? But birthdays are a big deal with Dan's family so he separates my birthday from Valentine's Day. It also make it hard for me to do anything nice for Dan because he usually needs the whole day.

I started the day with making Dan breakfast - cinnamon rolls and bacon. Thanks Pinterest for the heart idea.

Then, we opened Valentine's Day presents...

Running socks and a necklace... my first necklace ever from him!

After breakfast, we got ready and went to surprise Gabby at school. We got to see her classroom and give her a little V-day treat.

For lunch, I convinced Dan to take me to the Clifton Diner - on of my favorite places ever to eat. Mmmmmm... love that artichoke dill bake!

We went home and I got to open my birthday presents:

Dinner was my favorite dinner - filet and twice baked potatoes! Yum!

And instead of cake... Coldstone! I got my usual which was very fitting - cake batter ice cream with sprinkles.

 I also got a little birthday treat to myself

I finished reading the third one this morning.

On top of all of this, as if it wasn't enough, I was able to accept a new job!

All in all, I'd say it was a great day!

1 comment:

  1. How good were those books?! Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!
