Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Yankee Peddler

Saturday was the first day of fall. I absolutely love fall! I love the crisp chill in the air - it's the perfect weather! I love all the beautiful colors! I love football! I love cider and hot chocolate and pumpkin flavored everything! I love sweaters! I love Halloween! I seriously could go on forever! I just love fall!

Dan's sister wanted to go to Yankee Peddler. I had never been there, but I had heard people talk about it before, so I thought it would be fun to check it out!

I didn't realize it was at Clay's Park. It brought back lots of memories of summer, Youth Group and the Alive Festival. It looked so different there without all of the campers, tents and people! I can still remember my way around! Hopefully I'll be able to make it back to Alive next summer!

It was such a nice day and everywhere I looked there were signs of fall!

Gabby was so excited to go to Yankee Peddler - I think mostly for the American Girl Doll stand, but also so she could spend quality time with Uncle Dan!


One of the things Gabby was excited about was the butterfly tent. You could go in and the butterflies were flying around you. You could use q-tips with a syrup or sugar on them to attract them.

There was a stand there for Boswell. They have such awesome dips and dressings! We stocked up!

Dan and I got a funnel cake. Gabby was mad because she wanted an elephant ear, so she wouldn't eat any of it. She had never had a funnel cake, so I bribed her with a $1 to try it. She can't resist dollars. She took that dollar and bought herself a face painting!


We loved checking out all the art and crafts, especially the jewelry! There were these really cool necklaces made out of typewriter keys. Gabby liked them too!

There are so many wonderfully talented people in the world. Sometimes I wish that I could do some of these things that they can and as well as they can!


Even Dan had a good time... well, at least he pretended to! 

Gabby saw this man and had to take a picture with him!

And, of course, there is my favorite purchase of the day! This messenger bag is from All Put Together (www.beallputtogether.com). It is made of all recycled objects - coats, sweaters, blankets, etc. I love owls so much, so I just couldn't resist this gem!

I can't believe I have never been to Yankee Peddler. It reminded me a lot of the Shaker Woods Festival, but closer! We will definitely be headed back next year!

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Night In With My Nephews

Last weekend AJ & Stacy were in town for a wedding. Stacy's parents, Sal & Bill, normally babysit Colin & Brendan, but they had a class reunion to attend. I jumped at the chance to spend some quality time with my nephews.  I have not gotten to see them very much with their living in other states and all. Lucky for me, they are moving back to Ohio this month! Yay! Lots of quality time will be spent, I'm sure!
Anyways, how does a girl keep two rambunctious little boys entertained?
Colin had plenty of ideas to keep us busy - hide & seek, Sonic the Hedgehog, tag... Seriously, he has more energy in 4 hours than I have had in my whole life combined!
Brenny had other ideas for how to keep entertained...
With bowls on his head...

With blocks on his heads...
He's always coming up with creative hats.
Brenny has come so far in the past few month. I am so proud every time I see him. He has new words, he makes more eye contact, he smiles. And this visit, he even gave me hugs - something he has never voluntarily done before.

You can't tell, but that is a kitchen utensil in Colin's hand. A room full of toys and yet they still pick the most random things to play with.

Colin wanted to teach me how to play Sonic the Hedgehog on the IPad...
Kids these days don't know what they are missing out on - they'll never really know what a Sega is... or a Nintendo.
Love their sweet little faces!

We had so much fun! I can't wait to babysit again!